The idea is very simple. In stead of immediately giving everyone a lifetime membership, similar to what a lot of NFT editions do, we have chosen for a slightly different approach. We think there should be 2 ways of becoming a lifetime member. The first way is becoming a base or gold member and getting a membership for 3 years guaranteed, at least concerning being a member of Simultaneously, you become a lifetime member for, which will form its (S)DAO, or (Sustainable) Decentralised Autonomous Organisation. Through the DAO, you will be able to co-govern forests and so forth. This requires setting up a separate legal entity for this DAO. This is very important. We want to abide by the law. We wish to make climate action happen in a legal way. Moreover, it is also very practical. The DAO will need a bank account and other tools to do its work. Forests reside on land, and either we lease the land, or we buy it. Magictribe Media Ltd. supplies the tech, and enables the pilot to grow into a formal structure. It delivers the tools to make the DAO happen. The DAO will have a certain goal: accelerate tree planting.

So, each series will do something similar. Waterspaces too will need a legal entity to be able to operate. All of our pilots will need a legal entity. Yet, every membership series/edition will function similarly. It gives the initial right to 3 years membership, as well as the right to a secondary membership. For the current, first one that is lifetime membership to and its DAO. For the waterspaces series, you will get three years membership to & lifetime membership to waterspaces. And so forth. On one hand,it makes every series unique, and valuable in its own right. Perks and opportunites will differ from series to series. We’ll gamify it in such a way that some people or organisations may even want more than one type of membership… Yet, we’ll also stratify in tiers. How this works will be revealed more profoundly, over time. That being said, the idea is to give equal opportunity to all, whatever the type of membership series you start with. The same amount of boosters will be needed for obtaining platinum membership, equally so for lifetime membership.

The second way to become a lifetime membership is through buying a higher tier. These higher tiers: platinum and lifetime membership are currently not available. We first want to grow our initial community. Then concerning pricing, this will be determined by future market conditions. We simply do not know what will happen with the value of membership NFTs. Future pricing is clearly unpredictable. There are simply too many variables. Yet, there is a logic we can discern: if the value of our gold memberships go up at a given time, our platinum and lifetime membership must also be sold at a higher entry price. Platinum will require the player or particpant to still gather a certain amount of boosters (equal to all platinum members) to then obtain lifetime membership. An individual or organisation buying a lifetime membership doesn’t require to gather boosters, yet will have to pay an even higher price than participants entering on the platinum level. It is only fair:  Going in with a platinum membership or lifetime membership from the start, helps the participant/player to skip tasks and quests, for which the ones starting with base or gold membership must do or have done an effort.

What we are doing here as a community, is going on a journey together. We’ll be able to co-decide on how our gaming/gamified ecosystem evolves. This is very important. It is your feedback which will be directional. Of course, in the beginning many decisions will be made by our core team, as it relates to setting out the playing ground, gradually building any tech or partnerships necessary to ensure harmonic and realistic growth. Yet, we will establish all rules necessary to make solid long term growth possible. Then, as we create our DAO, we’ll gradually hand over the directional keys to our community. Access to the DAO will be determined by a players involvement. Some will have more voting power, as they contribute more to the whole ecosystem/community. We want to first generate the pathways from gold to platinum to lifetime membership, which requires building the right games, apps & dapps, integrations, partnerships, a decent amount of NFTs that make the whole ecosystem run smoothly, intelligently & in a fun way. We will only open up the higher tiers, once the logical need arises. Someone or some organisation setting up a green fund, may not have the time to particpate in all the tasks or quests, yet may require access to lifetime member functionalities in order to connect more profoundly with piloting teams, for example.

Adding a few photo’s here, so you have some more visual reflections... Once, we will get proper AI-integrations in, the co-creation will become more and more fun. We are working on the timelines, so understand clearly the 11.11.2024 as something which has changed & only serves as a mockup presentation. We’ll keep you updated when the Waterspaces Edition will be released/dropped: