The idea is growing as a co-creative community together. The initial NFT indicates you are a member now, and will enjoy all perks and benefits same like all other members. However, there are differences between series. The series you are partaking in is one of 10000 NFTs in total. The series you are buying now, is directly connected to our treespaces.io pilot, hence we named this first membership edition the treespaces series. Other series will be revolving around waterspaces or foodspaces, for example. This implies there are differences between series/editions. The main difference is a thematic one, yet also in terms of actionability. Waterspaces will revolve around water, and not necessarily directly result in one tree planted per member. Similar to trees, humans need water. So, there are obvious interactions between series and editions.
The income generated by the sales of our membership NFTs is directed to a few important pillars. We want to enable pilots to grow and take initial steps towards minimally viable modules (MVMs,) which then can be scaled. Each series thus directly contributes to a number of sustainable, regenerative pilots. Our community then gets to follow the stories around these pilots and their teams, as they hop from milestone to milestone. Every series will have an overarching goal. This serie(s) will plant trees, help deploy treespaces, as well as support some of treespaces.io’s direct goals. For instance, going into schools and helping them to plant more trees. The school projects will get a seperate site, to keep things clear. Yet, this series also supports other types of pilots, such as the slow & soft pilot, revolving around slow living, radiation-free spaces and wellness.
This could eventually result in our community to decide to launch a wellness series, for instance. Each series will bring in a maximum of 10000 new members, ensuring a gradual, yet consistent growth of our Magictribe.one Community (MC.) Now, you could wonder why a treespaces series and its income from sales also partially goes to pilots which are of a different nature. The answer is simple and two-fold. For one, it has to do with the bootstrapping of our whole ecosystem. We have to start somewhere. However, it also has to do with interaction. When Ann Bollaerts will establish her first slow & soft space in Andalusia, Spain, she will also involve other people and organisations. Her space then does more than revolve around slowness & wellness, her space also becomes a meeting space for people and organisations interested in treeplanting. She helps to intiate an Ecohub, which will also forward treespaces.io and treeplanting.
As a member, amidst a growing amount of pilots, you will enjoy the benefits of ecohubs, all of which will to some extent open the door to planting more trees. So, if you look at our Baoville Ecohub in Kenia, Rainer Munga, will also open up space for planting trees and with his team actively contribute to agroforestry and so forth. However to streamline the Ecohubs, we also will need to grow Ecolink (S)DAO. And so forth. We are creating a network between all of our pilots. And yes, we do realise, it will take time to build. Yet, it is about sharing that journey with our whole magictribe.one community. Magictribe Media Ltd, is a media and gaming company. So, it kickstarts a much larger ecosystem. It provides the tech, it enables the mediatic presence of pilots, it consults, it develops games. Each pilot in some form or another will generate new parts of our overarching game, like lego-building blocks.
We don’t have everything developed from day one. We don’t even have all the answers. Yet, as our community and network grows, we’ll find the answers together. We are actually very humble, as we know it will take time to build and grow. We have a lot of ideas, which are small. Together as a community, we’ll decide upon which ideas are the big ones. It is up to you, our members to co-decide, to co-create. So, going back to our questions here. We simply made a starter membership NFT. We used the logo we had, and turned it into a basic 3D-version, revolving around a tree. Once our first 149 NFTs are sold, we’ll give you the opportunity to generate proposals towards an improved version. The current version cannot be used to reproduced in any way. Future versions, we may co-decide to add IP-rights. Then you could print these on sneakers or t-shirts, similar to Cryptopunks or Bored Ape Yacht Club membership NFTs. (Change has been proposed and a new version launched second half of October 2024). We can and will improve further…
We’ll co-decide upon how an improved version of the ring, QR-gateway or our membership NFT should look. It could look something like these designs here, to give you only 2 ways of possible creative change. Everything is open, let’s evolve as a community together…